Here are my own tips and pieces of advice that helped me get through low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. These tips are from my GMU class GCH-325: Stress, Coping, & Health. I have applied many of the techniques I learned from class, and they have truly made a difference in my life. Read below for details.

Overcoming low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression is definitely NOT an easy process. Although my situation may be different from another person going through these struggles, it was still a long process that I had to go through to get out of it.
Below you will find tips and advice that helped me get through it and out of it.

As a Muslim, I had to remind myself to have faith and hope in Allah. It was actually hard at first especially when I was really hopeless and helpless. However, I had family members and friends reminding me to not lose it all. I would try my best to make dua' and have hope in His Mercy and His Help will come.
I must admit, I used to draw sketches and random pictures expressing my feelings during high school which also helped me cope with binge eating and bulimia. When I learned about art therapy in my Stress, Cope, & Health class at GMU, I fell in love even more with art therapy! You do not need to be an artist to draw or color it out. Literally, pick a pencil and coloring utensils to just draw it all out and let it all out through art expression. You'll be amazed what you can draw and color.

Again, writing in my diary has been something I have done since high school to write out my emotions and feelings. As an only child, I did not always have someone to speak with besides my parents and friends. I did not always feel comfortable in sharing everything with them; therefore, I would write down my feelings and reasons I was angry, mad, upset, happy, excited, and so forth. And I have learned in my Sress, Cope, and Health class at GMU that journal therapy is actually a way to cope with stress as well as a way to relax.
Therefore, pretend you're speaking to a professional psychiatrist and confess your feelings and everything to yourself. Because trust me, when I met with psychiatrist, I was asked what's causing me to feel sad and depressed. And I did not feel comfortable sharing everything even though I knew this was his profession, and he can help me get through it, I did not want to confess to a stranger. Therefore, having a private journal can be helpful. Sometimes you may have the fear of someone reading through your journal, right? That's okay, then write on paper and make sure you tear it into pieces and throw it away. The point is that you LET it out with yourself.
Exercise is scientifically proven to release endorphins which are happy hormones to elevate the mood. Sometimes though, when you are feeling really down, you do not have the internal motivation to get up and exercise. Trust me, I have BEEN through it. My dad would take me out for a walk to help me out, but I was so depressed that I could not find joy in walking or anything. However, if you work on it and make it part of your treatment, it can help for sure.

Sobhna Allah, there is truly something magical about nature. I actually didn't know about nature therapy until I took my class on stress, cope, & health at GMU where I learned that nature therapy is one of the relaxation techniques and a great way to de-stress. I must admit that when I was feeling really negative emotionally, going outside wasn't enjoyable at that time, and it didn't help me very much. However, seeing sunlight is a great source of vitamin D, taking fresh air, as well as seeing nature helps to remember Allah SWT, helps to reflect, and helps the mind to clear up thoughts.
As a Muslim, alhmadulliah, we are asked to pray 5x a day, and salah of itself is a great time for meditation and re-connection with Allah swt. In sujood, prostration, cry out your feelings to Allah, and share your feelings out.
Yoga is also a great exercise and time to relax as well as reconnect with body, mind, & soul

Dealing with depression is not easy alone. It is very crucial and important to find a support system whether it's from friends, family, running group, school club, or any group that has a positive influence. When you feel down, it may not always be easy to speak out your feelings and thoughts. However, seeking help from others and saying you need someone to talk to is never a form of weakness.
Seeking professional help is a must if it is very hard to deal with depression, anxiety, and any negative emotions alone. Do not be afraid to seek a therapist, psychologist, or a doctor to get the right help.